Meet little Johnny Doe. Though he was dismissed from preschool at age one, he rebounded the following year and rocked his half-day preschool program. Heck, he even made it out of diapers in time to be promoted to the three-year-old class (thank the Lord for that fall birthday). Yes, his parents have to pull out the plunger when he wipes his own behind, but at least he's doing it himself now. It was hard to hand over the toilet paper, but eight-year-olds should do that by themselves...right? Judge not mamas: we bet his bottom is cleaner than all the other booties on the block!
If you have a child or spend enough time with children, you've likely come across a toddler who's perfectly content with her diapers. It's also likely that you've seen a kid relieve herself in the middle of the floor (who says letting them run nude is a potty training strategy!?!). But most likely, you know a little stinker who's happy to rock poop in his underwear and only complains when you make him stop to clean up. We've seen 'em too.
As we put the finishing touches on our Potty Rocker products, we see hope on the horizon. Take heart in Johnny's story and know that if he can rock it, your kiddo can rock it too!
Lydia & Nicole
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